

發布日期 2023-05-26
標 題 【代轉發會議】2023 Chang Gung Aesthetics Conference | June 18, 2023
內 容 活動名稱:2023 Chang Gung Aesthetics Conference
活動地點:林口長庚醫院 研究大樓 一樓國際議廳

Dear Doctor,
The 2023 Chang Gung Aesthetics Conference will be held at International Conference Hall of Research Building, Linkou Chang Gung on June 18th
, 2023.
Highlight of this year:
  • Different philosophies and techniques of preservation rhinoplasty & structure rhinoplasty
  • New advances and insights in rhinoplasty
  • 4 international masters and 8 domestic speakers
We have invited many world-renowned experts in this field: Dr. Baris Cakir, Dr. Peter Palhazi, Dr. Yasushi Sugawara, Dr. Taek Kyun Kim and 8 domestic Otolaryngologists, plastic surgeons along with Chang Gung Plastic Surgery colleagues who will collectively perform at least 4 video surgery demonstrations. All speakers will share their experience and techniques, in what we hope will be a highly educational forum for all participants. 

We cordially invite you to join us for this invaluable experience.

Early Bird Registration Before May 31st

Please notify friends and colleagues not to miss this time limited opportunity.
For registration details, please visit our website at: https://www.cgprs.org/

And the latest news from FB: https://www.facebook.com/2023CGAC/
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